

Yamamoto J et al. Investigations into the pathomechanism of thrombotic disorders with an ex vivo Global Test performed from non-anticoagulated blood: From animal experiments to bedside application". Acta Scientific Nutritional Health (2023);7(7) : 119-129.


Masahiro Murakami, Kazunori Otsui, Yoshinobu Ijiri, Muneshige Shimizu, Hideo Ikarugi, Wataru Shioyama, Junichiro Yamamoto, Kjell S Sakariassen. Global thrombosis test for assessing thrombotic status and efficacy of antithrombotic diet and other conditions.Future Science OA (2022): FSO788.


Diana A. Gorog, Junichiro Yamamoto. Global Thrombosis Test: Occlusion is attributable to shear-induced platelet thrombus formation. TH Open (2021) 5:e591–e597.


Masahiro Iwasaki, Masahiro Murakami , Yoshinobu Ijiri, Muneshige Shimizu & Junichiro Yamamoto. Are all wines made from various grape varieties beneficial in the prevention of myocardial infarction and stroke? Future Science OA (2020): FSO649.


Junichiro Yamamoto, Nobutaka Inoue, Kazunori Otsui, Hideo Ikarugi, Muneshige Shimizu, Shinji Yamamoto, Masahiro Murakami, Yoshinobu Ijiri, Kjell S Sakariassen. A point-of-care global thrombosis test measuring occlusion time and endogenous lysis time may indicate thrombotic status. Future Science OA(2019):FSO402.


Junichiro Yamamoto, Yoshinobu Ijiri, Muneshige Shimizu, Shinji Yamamoto, Hideo Ikarugi, Kjell S Sakariassen. Shear rate-dependent thrombosis/fibrinolysis tests using non-anticoagulated blood could be useful in the prevention of thrombotic disorders. Future Science OA(2018):FSO357.
Junichiro Yamamoto, Yoshinobu Ijiri, Hideo Ikarugi, Kazunori Otsui, Nobutaka Inoue, Kjell S Sakariassen. Prevention of thrombotic disorders by anti-thrombotic diet and exercise: evidence by using global thrombosis tests. Future Science OA(2018):FSO285.


Hideo Ikarugi & Junichiro Yamamoto. The exercise paradox may be solved by measuring the overall thrombotic state using native blood. Drug Discoveries & Therapeutics. 2017; 11(1):15-19.
山本順一郎; 新しい血栓形成傾向測定法(Global Thrombosis Test, GTT)で明らかにされた抗血栓性野菜品種・加工食品による血栓症予防, 2017, 医と食. 9(4): 186-189.


Yoshinobu Ijiri, Hiromitsu Ishii, Junichiro Yamamoto. Diet of Fruits and Vegetables with Experimental Antithrombotic Effect may be Beneficial to Humans in the Prevention of Arterial Thrombotic Diseases. International Journal of Drug Development & Research (2016);8(3):12-16.
Yoshinobu Ijiri, Junichiro Yamamoto, Tadayuki Wako, Masahiro Murakami. Experimental Antithrombotic Effect of Garlic Varieties Measured by a Global In Vitro Test of Platelet Reactivity and Spontaneous Thrombolytic Activity. International Journal of Drug Development and Research(2016);8(2):11-17.
Junichiro Yamamoto, Yoshinobu Ijiri, Yukinori Tamura, Masahiro Iwasaki, Masahiro Murakami, Yoshio Okada. Reevaluation of antithrombotic fruits and vegetables: great variation between varieties. Drug discoveries & therapeutics (2016);10(3):129-140.DOI:10.5582/ddt.2016.01043


Junichiro Yamamoto, Yukinori Tamura, Yoshinobu Ijiri, Masahiro Iwasaki, Masahiro Murakami, Osamu Matsuo. Evaluation of antithrombotic effect: Importance of testing components and methodologies. Drug discoveries & therapeutics (2015); 9(4):258-266. DOI:10.5582/ddt.2015.01043
Kensuke Kondo, Tatsuro Ishida, Tomoyuki Yasuda, Hideto Nakajima, Kenta Mori,Nobuaki Tanaka, Takeshige Mori, Tomoko Monguchi, Masakazu Shinohara, Yasuhiro Irino, Ryuji Toh, Yoshiyuki Rikitake, Kazunobu Kiyomizu, Yoshiaki Tomiyama, Junichiro Yamamoto and Ken-ichi Hirata: Trans-fatty acid promotes thrombus formation in mice by aggravating antithrombogenic endothelial functions via Toll-like receptors. Molecular Nutrition and Food Research (2015). Article first published online: 27 JAN 2015; DOI: 10.1002/mnfr.201400537.


Hiromasa Ooe, Masaru Kato, Kanae Hyodo, Keiko Nakashima, Hiroshi Ashigai, Kyoko Kato, Toshinori Sasaki, Yuko Fukushima, John C. Giddings, Junichiro Yamamoto: Antithrombotic effects of different strains of lactic acid bacteria. Health, (2014), 6, 2433-2443;
Yukinori Tamura, Shigeshi Mori, Shigeki Asada, Naoyuki Kawao, Shigeru Ueshima, Hiroshi Kaji, Junichiro Yamamoto, Masao Akagi, Osamu Matsuo: Enhanced pre-operative thrombolytic status is associated with the incidence of deep venous thrombosis in patients undergoing total knee arthroplasty. Thrombosis Journal (2014); 12:11.
Yukinori Tamura, Ayumi Inoue, Yoshinobu Ijiri, Aki Naemura, Junichiro Yamamoto: Short-and long-term treatment with folic acid suppresses thrombus formation in atherogenic mice in vivo. Pathophysiology (2014); 21(2):169-175.
Saori Higashino, Yasuto Sasaki, John C. Giddings, Kanae Hyodo, Shigeko FujimotoSakata, Koichi Matsuda, Yoko Horikawa, Junichiro Yamamoto: Crocetin, a Carotenoid from Gardenia jasminoides Ellis, Protects against Hypertension and Cerebral Thrombogenesis in Stroke-prone Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats. Phytotherapy Research (2014); Feb 18. doi: 10.1002/ptr.5130.
Akira Suehiro, Ichiro Wakabayashi, Tsutomu Yamashita, Junichiro Yamamoto:Attenuation of spontaneous thrombolytic activity measured by the global thrombosis test in male habitual smokers. Journal of Thrombosis and Thrombolysis (2014); 37(4):414-8. doi: 10.1007/s11239-013-0962-4.
Junichiro Yamamoto, Nobutaka Inoue, Kazunori Otsui, Hiromitsu Ishii, Diana A. Gorog:Global Thrombosis Test (GTT) detects major determinants of hemostasis including platelet reactivity, endogenous fibrinolytic and thrombin generating potential. Thrombosis Research (2014); 133(5):919-26. doi: 10.1016/j.thromres.2014.02.018.


Junichiro Yamamoto, Hiroyo Ohno, Kanae Hyodo, Masahiko Onishi, John C. Giddings: Theantithrombotic activity of mini-type tomatoes is dependent on the particular variety and the stage of harvest. Lycopene content does not contribute to antithrombotic activity. Health (2013); 5: 681-686 . DOI:10.4236/health.2013.54090.
Yoshinobu Ijiri, Hideo Ikarugi, Yukinori Tamura, Mayumi Ura, Mai Morishita,AtsumiHamada, Mari Mori, Hideki Mori, Yukio Yamori, Hiromitsu Ishii, Junichiro Yamamoto: Antithrombotic effect of taurine in healthy Japanese people may be related to an increased endogenous thrombolytic activity. Thrombosis Research (2013) Feb;131(2):158-161.
Tsutomu Yamashita, Kumi Sakamoto, Hiroshi Yamanishi, Nagao Totani, and JunichiroYamamoto. Effect of a free radical scavenger on nitric oxide release in microvessels. Vascular Pharmacology (2013), 58:134-139 .


井尻 吉信 ; 小松菜の抗血栓作用ならびにメカニズムの解明 , 2012, 大阪樟蔭女子大学研究紀要 . 2: 254.
Miyako Ikemura, Yasuto Sasaki, John C. Giddings, Junichiro Yamamoto: Preventive Effects of Hesperidin, Glucosyl Hesperidin and Naringin on Hypertension and Cerebral Thrombosis in Stroke-prone Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats. Phytotherapy Research; Article first published online: 7 JAN 2012, DOI: 10.1002/ptr.3724
Mai Morishita, Aki Naemura, Yukinori Tamura, Hideaki Yamaya, Yuko Tsuda,Yoshio Okada, Kiyotaka Okada, Osamu Matsuo, Junichiro Yamamoto: Mechanism of the experimental antithrombotic effect of some apple varieties involves enhanced endogenous thrombolytic activity. Interventional Medicine & Applied Science, 4 (2): 115?124 (2012), DOI: 10.1556/IMAS.4.2012.1.1 115 ISSN 2061-1617
Junichiro Yamamoto, Megumi Masuda, Kanae Hyodo, Masahiro Iwasaki: Experimental antithrombotic effect of potatoes harvested in the autumn. Health 2012; 4(2):108-112, doi:10.4236/health.2012.42017
山下 勉, 石井 洋光, 山西 浩, 山本順一郎: サーカディアンリズムにおける血小板反応性と自発的線溶能の変化:GTT(Global Thrombosis Test)による評価, 医学検査2012; 61: 347-351.


Yasuto Sasaki, Nozomi Kobara, Saori Higashino, John C. Giddings, Junichiro Yamamoto. Astaxanthin inhibits thrombosis in cerebral vessels of stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rats. Nutrition Reseach 2011; 31:784-789.
Suehiro A, Wakabayashi I, Uchida K, Tsutomu Yamashita and Yamamoto J. Impaired spontaneous thrombolytic activity measured by global thrombosis test in males with metabolic syndrome. Thrombosis Research 2011; 129:499-501.
Kanae Hyodo, Izumi Horii, Masaru Nishino, John C Giddings, Junichiro Yamamoto: The antithrombotic effects of onion filtrates in rats and mice. Health 2011; 3: 319-325.
Chifumi Kinugasa, Aki Naemura, Kanae Hyodo, Yoshiki Nakai, Masumi Katsuta, Junichiro Yamamoto: Experimental antithrombotic effects of sesame seed whole grains and extracts. Blood Coagulation and Fibrinolysis  (2011); 22: 526-531.
山本順一郎、兵頭香苗、井尻吉信:抗血栓作用をもつハーブと品種.Aromatopia 2011;33-37.
山下 勉、垰本勝司、大西英之、山西 浩、山本順一郎: GTT(Global Thrombosis Test)による脳虚血性疾患における血小板反応性と自発的線溶能の評価, 医学検査 (2011); 60: 1037-1042.


Diana A. Gorog, Junichiro Yamamoto, Smriti Saraf, Hiromitsu Ishii, Yoshinobu Ijiri, Hideo Ikarugi, David M. Wellsted,7 Mari Mori, Yukio Yamori: First direct comparison of platelet reactivity and thrombolytic status between Japanese and Western volunteers: possible relationship to the "Japanese paradox". International Journal of Cardiology (2010), doi:10.1016/j.ijcard.2010.07.002.
Takeshi Akinaga, Masako Sugihara-Seki, Tomoaki Itano and Junichiro
Yamamoto: The motion of microbeads in shear flow through a conical
tube. 4th International Symposium on Advanced Fluid Solid Science
and Technology in Experimental Mechanics, 28-30, Niigata, Japan (Received
7 February 2010; recieved in revised form 13 May 2010; accepted 12
June 2010).
Katsushi Taomoto, Hideyuki Ohnishi, Yoshihiro Kuga, Kazuya Nakashima, Tsugumichi Ichioka, Yuuji Kodama, Hisashi Kubota, Takashi Tominaga, Tomofumi Hirose, Masato Hayashi, Chifumi Kinugasa, Tsutomu Yamashita, Junichiro Yamamoto: Platelet function and spontaneous thrombolytic activity of patients with cerebral infarction assessed by Global Thrombosis Test. Pathophysiology on Haemostasis and Thrombosis (2010) 10;37:43-48; DOI: 10.1159/000315494.
Yuya Yamamoto, Tsutomu Yamashita, Fuyuha Kitagawa, Kumi Sakamoto,
John, C Giddings Junichiro Yamamoto: The effect of the long term aspirin
administration on the progress of atherosclerosis in apoE-/- LDLR-/-
double knockout mouse. Thrombosis Research, 125: 246-252, 2010.
Yoshinobu Ijiri, Hiroko Anzai, Weifua Gao, Kunio Takahashi, Naemi
Kajiwara, Masahiro Murakami, Junichiro Yamamoto: Long-term administration
of traditional kampo medicine shimotsuto, juzentaihoto and unseiin
inhibits experimental thrombosis in mice. Health 2: 493-498, 2010.
山本順一郎: 抗血栓効果のある品種-トップランクを発表-. 現代農業 2010年2月; 122-127.


Yukinori Tamura; Aki Naemura; Ayumi Inoue; Yoshinobu Ijiri; Junji
Seki, Toyotaka Yada; Masami Goto; Masakazu Shinohara; Seinosuke Kawashima;
John C Giddings; Junichiro Yamamoto: Impaired endothelial function
may be due to decreased aortic tetrahydrobiopterin, assessed by a
new flow-mediated vasodilation in vivo in hypercholesterolemic/atherogenic
mice. Blood Coagulation & Fibrinolysis: 2009; 20:699-705.
https://journals.lww.com/bloodcoagulation/Abstract/2009/12000/ Impaired_endothelial_function_may_be_due_to.14.aspx
Daisuke Ichiura, Aki Naemura, Mayumi Ura, Motoyuki Mori, Junichiro
Yamamoto: Anti-Thrombotic Effect of Potato in Animal Experiments.
Food 3 (Special Issue 2) 2009; 8-12, Global Science Books.
Harada S, Hamabe W, Kamiya K, Satake T, Yamamoto J,
Tokuyama S: Preventive effect of Morinda citrifolia fruit juice on
neuronal damage induced by focal ischemia. Biological & pharmaceutical
bulletin. 2009 Mar;32(3):405-9.
Shimizu M, Sawashita N, Morimatsu F, Ichikawa J, Taguchi
Y, Ijiri Y, Yamamoto J: Antithrombotic papain-hydrolyzed peptides
isolated from pork meat. Thrombosis Research 2009; 123: 753-757.
山本順一郎, 苗村亜紀, 山下勉: ローズマリーの抗血栓作用. aromatopia 2009; 18(1):
森下麻衣: リンゴの抗血栓作用の特徴とその作用メカニズム. 神戸学院大学大学院栄養学研究科修士論文 2009.


Aki Naemura, Yoshinobu Ijiri, Mitsuhiro Kodama, Yoshinori Honda,
Junichiro Yamamoto: A rice variety (HYJA-Ri4) enhances arterial thrombus
formation in an animal thrombosis model. Pathophysiology of Haemostasis
and Thrombosis 2007/2008;36:241-244.
Yamamoto J, Naemura A, Ijiri Y, Ogawa K, Suzuki T, Shimada Y, Giddings
JC: The antithrombotic effects of carrot filtrates in rats and mice.
Blood Coagul Fibrinolysis. 2008 Dec;19(8):785-92.
山本順一郎: ヘリウム-ネオンレーザー惹起血栓モデル. 日本血栓止血学会誌 2008; 19(1): 154-160.
鵤木秀夫, 山本順一郎: 血栓止血機能に及ぼす運動の影響. 日本血栓止血学会誌 2008; 19(1):
Aki Naemura, Mayumi Ura, Tsutomu Yamashita, Ryo Arai,
Junichiro Yamamoto: Long-term intake of rosemary and common thyme
herbs inhibits experimental thrombosis without prolongation of bleeding
time. Thrombosis Research 2008; 122: 517-522.
池村美耶子: 柑橘類由来フラボノイドのSHRSPにおける血圧・血栓への影響の研究. 神戸学院大学大学院栄養学研究科修士論文
衣笠千典: ゴマの系統と抗血栓作用. 神戸学院大学大学院栄養学研究科修士論文 2008.


山下勉: 血小板機能並びに自発性線溶活性の簡便測定 New platelet function & spontaneous
thrombolysis test (Gorog Thrombosis Test).日本血栓止血学会誌 2007; 18(3): 265-268.
Toshiko Satake, Kohei Kamiya, Yin An, Tomomi Oishi (nee Taka), and
Junichiro Yamamoto: The Anti-thrombotic Active Constituents from Centella
asiatica. Biological & pharmaceutical bulletin 2007; 30(5): 935-940.
山本順一郎: 新しい血栓形成準備状態測定法による予知とその栄養学的予防. 第7回TTMフォーラム記録 2007;
Katsushi Taomoto, Hideyuki Ohnishi, Yoshihiro Kuga,
Kazuya Nakashima, Tsugumichi Ichioka, Hisashi Kubota, Yuuji Kodama,
Takashi Tominaga, Masato Hayashi, Hirotomo Tanaka, Tsutomu Yamashita
, Junichiro Yamamoto: Platelet Reactivity Monitoring of Patients with
Cerebral Infarction-Platelet Function and Spontaneous Thrombolytic
Activity by Gorog Thrombosis Test (GTT). The 13th European Congress
of Neurosurgery MEDIMOND S.r.l. 2007; 537-543.
山本順一郎: ヘリウム-ネオン(He-Ne)レーザー惹起血栓モデル. 血栓症・動脈硬化モデル動物作製法(鈴木宏治編著)pp76-85,金芳堂(2007).
井尻吉信: 食餌感受性の高い血栓の動物モデルの開発と血栓予防食の探索. 神戸学院大学大学院食品薬品総合科学研究科学位論文
北川冬華: アテローム性動脈硬化進展における多角的トロンビン様酵素阻害の影響. 神戸学院大学大学院栄養学研究科修士論文 2007.


Hisashi Kato, Hirokazu Kashiwagi, Masamichi Shiraga, Seiji Tadokoro,
Tsuyoshi Kamae, Hidetoshi Ujiie, Shigenori Honda, Shigeki Miyata,
Yoshinobu Ijiri, Junichiro Yamamoto, Norikazu Maeda, Yoshiyuki Kurata,
Ichiro Shimomura, Yoshiaki Tomiyama, Yuzuru Kanakura: Adiponectin
acts as an endogenous antithrombotic factor. Arteriosclerosis Thrombosis
and Vascular Biology 2006; 26: 224-230.
Rumiko Aoki, Hideo Ikarugi, Aki Naemura, Yoshinobu Ijiri, Tsutomu
Yamashita, Junichiro Yamamoto: Endothelial dysfunction precedes atherosclerotic
lesions and platelet activation in high fat diet-induced prothrombotic
state. Thrombosis Research 2006; 117: 529-535.
Naoko Sawashita, Aki Naemura, Muneshige Shimizu, Fumitake
Morimatsu, Yoshinobu Ijiri, Kazuyuki Yuguchi, Junichiro Yamamoto:
Effect of dietary vegetable and animal proteins on atherothrombosis
in mice. Nutrition 2006; 22: 661-667.
Yoshinobu Ijiri, Aki Naemura, Tsutomu Yamashita, Shinichi
Meguro, Hiroyuki Watanabe, Ichiro Tokimitsu, Junichiro Yamamoto: Dietary
diacylglycerol extenuates arterial thrombosis in apoE and LDLR deficient
mice. Thrombosis Research 2006; 117: 411-417.
Iren B Kovacs, Diana Gorog, Junichiro Yamamoto: Enhanced
spontaneous thrombolysis: A new therapeutic challenge. Journal of
Thrombosis and Thrombolysis 2006; 21: 221-227.
Iren B Kovacs, Junichiro Yamamoto: Review: Spontaneous
thrombolysis: A forgotten determinant of life or death. Clinical and
Applied Thrombosis / Hemostasis 2006; 12: 358-363.
Tsutomu Yamashita, Miyuki Shoge, Etsuko Oda, Yuya Yamamoto,
Giddings J.C, Satoshi Kashiwagi, Makoto Suematsu, Junichiro Yamamoto:
The free-radical scavenger, edaravone, augments NO release from vascular
cells and platelets after laser-induced, acute endothelial injury
in vivo. Platelets 2006; 17: 201-206.
冨山佳昭, 加藤 恒, 山本順一郎: アディポネクチン欠損マウスを用いた血小板血栓の解析. 血栓と循環
2006; 14: 184-188.
Junichiro Yamamoto, Aki Naemura, Mayumi Ura, Yoshinobu
Ijiri, Tsutomu Yamashita, Akira Kurioka, Akio Koyama: Testing various
fruits for anti-thrombotic effect: Ⅰ. Mulberries. Platelets 2006;
17: 555-564.
Yoshinobu Ijiri, Aki Naemura, Tsutomu Yamashita, Hideo
Ikarugi, Shinichi Meguro, Ichiro Tokimitsu, Junichiro Yamamoto: Mechanism
of the antithrombotic effect of dietary diacylglycerol in atherogenic
mice. Pathophysiology of Haemostasis and Thrombosis 2006; 35: 380-387.
Aki Naemura, Hideo Ohira, Masamichi Ikeda, Kaneyuki
Koshikawa, Hiromitsu Ishii, Junichiro Yamamoto: An experimentally
antithrombotic strawberry variety is also effective in humans. Pathophysiology
of Haemostasis and Thrombosis 2006; 35: 398-404.
鵤木秀夫: 身体運動、喫煙習慣および加齢が血栓形成傾向に及ぼす影響― 抗凝固剤を添加しない血液を用いるズリ惹起血小板反応性測定法による検討―.
神戸学院大学大学院食品薬品総合科学研究科学位論文 2006.
岩崎真宏: ブドウの抗血栓作用. 神戸学院大学大学院栄養学研究科修士論文 2006.
田村行識: Flow Mediated Vasodilation マウス大腿動脈を用いた新しい血管内皮機能評価法.
神戸学院大学大学院栄養学研究科修士論文 2006.
山本裕也:アテローム性動脈硬化進展ならびに血管内皮機能に対するアスピリンおよびワルファリンの影響 ~apoE-/-・LDLR-/-ダブルノックアウトマウスを用いた研究~.
神戸学院大学大学院栄養学研究科修士論文 2006.


Junichiro Yamamoto, Kaori Yamada, Aki Naemura, Tsutomu Yamashita
and Ryo Arai: Testing various herbs for anti-thrombotic effect. Nutrition
2005; 21(5): 580-587.
Takashi Sano, Etsuko Oda, Tsutomu Yamashita, Aki Naemura, Yoshinobu
Ijiri, Jun Yamakoshi, Junichiro Yamamoto: Anti-thrombotic effect of
proanthocyanidin, a purified ingredient of grape seeds. Thrombosis
Research 2005; 115(1-2): 115-121.
Tsutomu Yamashita, Atsuko Sato, Hideo Ikarugi, Hiromitsu
Ishii, Kazuya Kitamori, Ayumi Inoue, Junichiro Yamamoto: Significantly
reduced spontaneous thrombolytic activity in older men: a possible
explanation for the gender differences in risk of acute coronary syndromes.
Thrombosis Research 2005; 116(2): 127-131.
Tsutomu Yamashita, Etsko Oda, Takashi Sano, Takatoshi
Yamashita, Yoshinobu Ijiri, John C Giddings, Junichiro Yamamoto: Varying
the ratio of dietary n-6/n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid alters the
tendency to thrombosis and progress of atherosclerosis in apoE-/-・LDLR-/-
double knockout mouse. Thrombosis Research 2005; 116(5): 393-401.
Hideo Ikarugi, Ayumi Inoue, Tsutomu Yamashita, Yuko
Tsuda, Yoshio Okada, Hiromitsu Ishii, Junichiro Yamamoto: Synergistic
antithrombotic effect of a combination of NO donor and plasma kallikrein
inhibitor. Thrombosis Research 2005; 116(5): 403-408.
Aki Naemura, Teruyo Mitani, Yoshinobu Ijiri, Yukinori
Tamura, Tsutomu Yamashita, Junichiro Yamamoto: Anti-thrombotic effect
of strawberries. Blood Coagulation & Fibrinolysis 2005; 16(7):
山下 勉,山本順一郎: 新しい血小板機能ならびに自発性線溶活性検査法―研究検査からベッドサイド検査へ―.
Medidal Technology 2005; 33: 788-790.
市浦大輔: 抗血栓作用をもつ高炭水化物食物品種の探索. 神戸学院大学大学院栄養学研究科修士論文 2005.
井上鮎美: ビタミンB群に属する葉酸は血栓形成を予防する― in vivoマウスモデルを用いた研究― He-Ne
Laser惹起血栓形成法、ズリ惹起血小板反応性測定法、血管内皮機能(FMV)測定法. 神戸学院大学大学院栄養学研究科修士論文 2005.


Hideharu Fukao, Yoshinobu Ijiri, Mayuko Miura, Masaru Hashimoto,
Tsutomu Yamashita, Chizuru Fukunaga, Kazuhiro Oiwa, Yasuhiro Kawai,
Makoto Suwa, Junichiro Yamamoto: Effect of trans-resveratrol on the
thrombogenicity and atherogenicity in apolipoprotein E-deficient and
low-density lipoprotein receptor-deficient mice. Blood Coagulation
and Fibrinolysis 2004; 15(6): 441-446.
Kaori Yamada, Aki Naemura, Naoko Sawashita, Yuji Noguchi, Junichiro
Yamamoto: An onion variety has natural antithrombotic effect as assessed
by thrombosis/thrombolysis models in rodents. Thrombosis Research
2004; 114(3): 213-220.
Takanori Noguchi, Katsumi Ikeda, Yasuto Sasaki, Yukio
Yanori: Nutritional prevention on hypertension, cerebral hemodynamics
and thrombosis in stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rats. Cellular
and Molecular Neurobiology 2004; 24(5): 599-638.
Takanori Noguchi, Katsumi Ikeda, Yasuto Sasaki, Junichiro
Yamamoto, Yukio Yamori: Effects of vitamine E and sesamine on hypertension
and cerebral thrombogenesis in stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive
rats. Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and physiology 2004;
31: S24-S26.
Yasuto Sasaki, Takanori Noguchi, Etsuko Yamamoto, John
C Giddings, Katsumi Ikeda, Junichiro Yamamoto, Yukio Yamori: Effects
of voluntary exercise on cerebral thrombosis and endothelial function
in spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHRSP/Izm). Clinical and Experimental
Pharmacology and Physiology 2004; 31: S47-S48.
青木るみ子: マウス大腿動脈におけるflow-mediated vasodilationに関する研究.
神戸学院大学大学院栄養学研究科修士論文 2004.
澤下直子: 蛋白質およびペプチドが血栓形成傾向に及ぼす影響. 神戸学院大学大学院栄養学研究科修士論文 2004.


Junichiro Yamamoto, Tsutomu Yamashita, Hideo Ikarugi, Tomomi Taka,
Masaru Hashimoto, Hiromitsu Ishii, Sadahiro Watanabe, Iren B Kovacs:
Gorog Thrombosis Test: A global in vitro test of platelet function
and thrombolysis. Blood Coagulation and Fibrinolysis 2003; 14: 31-39.
Masaru Hashimoto, Kazuhiro Oiwa, Osamu Matsuo, Shigeru Ueshima,
Kiyotaka Okada, Yoshio Okada, Shosuke Okamoto, John C Giddings, Junichiro
Yamamoto: Suppression of argatroban-induced endogenous thrombolysis
by PKSI-527, and antibodies to TPA and UPA, evaluated in a rat arterial
thrombolysis model. Thrombosis and Haemostasis 2003; 89: 820-825.
鵤木秀夫, 柴田真志, 柴田しおり, 高 智美, 山本順一郎: 急性運動の強度が動脈血栓形成能に及ぼす影響.
デサントスポーツ科学 2003; 24: 170-176.
Masaru Hashimoto, Sadahiro Watanabe, Kazuhiro Oiwa,
John C Giddings, Junichiro Yamamoto: Regulation of endogenous thrombolysis
by thrombin-activatable fibrinolysis inhibitor (TAFI) studies using
a thrombolysis model in rat mesenteric arterioles. Microcirculation
annual 2003; 19: 75-76.
Junichiro Yamamoto, Iren B Kovacs: Review: Shear-induced
in vitro haemostasis/ thrombosis tests: the benefit of using native
blood. Blood Coagulation and Fibrinolysis 2003; 14(8): 697-702.
Takashi Sano, Etsuko Oda, Takatoshi Yamashita, Hiroshi
Shiramasa, Yoshinobu Ijiri, Tsutomu Yamashita, Junichiro Yamamoto:
Anti-thrombotic and antiatherogenic effects of partially defatted
flaxseed meal, using a laser-induced thrombosis test in apolipoprotein
E and low-density lipoprotein receptor deficient mice. Blood Coagulation
and Fibrinolysis 2003; 14(8): 707-712.
Hideo Ikarugi, Tsutomu Yamashita, Rumiko Aoki, Hiromitsu
Ishii, KenichiKanki, Junichiro Yamamoto: Impaired spontaneous thrombolytic
activity in elderly and in habitual smokers, as measured by a new
global thrombosis test. Blood Coagulation and Fibrinolysis2003; 14(8):
Junichiro Yamamoto, Tomomi Taka, Kaori Yamada, Yoshinobu
Ijiri, Mayu Murakami, Yoshihiko Hirata, Aki Naemura , Masaru Hashimoto,
Tsutomu Yamashita, Kazuhiro Oiwa, Junji Seki, Hiroyuki Suganuma, Takahiro
Inakuma, Takumi Yoshida: Tomatoes have natural anti-thrombotic effects.
British Journal of Nutrition 2003; 90(6): 1031-1038.
Hideo Ikarugi, Masashi Shibata, Shiori Shibata, Hiromitsu
Ishii, Tomomi Taka, Junichiro Yamamoto: High intensity exercise enhances
platelet reactivity to shear stress and coagulation during and after
exercise. Pathophysiology of Haemostasis and Thrombosis 2003; 33(3):
Tsutomu Yamashita, Etsuko Oda, John C Giddings, Junichiro
Yamamoto: The effect of dietary BNPP(Bacillus Natto Productive Protein)
on in vivo endogenous thrombolysis. Pathophysiology of Haemostasis
and Thrombosis 2003; 33(3): 138-143.
大石智美: 抗凝固剤を添加しない血液を用いるズリ惹起血小板反応性測定法― haemostatometryの有効性と限界について―.
神戸学院大学大学院食品薬品総合科学研究科学位論文 2003.
小田悦子: 脂肪酸組成の異なる食餌が血栓形成傾向および動脈硬化進展に及ぼす影響 ―apoE-/-・LDLR-/-ダブルノックアウトマウス頚動脈血栓形成法を用いた研究―.
神戸学院大学大学院栄養学研究科修士論文 2003.


Masaru Hashimoto, Tsutomu Yamashita, Kazuhiro Oiwa, Sadahiro Watanabe,
John C Giddings, Junichiro Yamamoto: Enhancement of endogenous plasminogen
activator-induced thrombolysis by argatroban and activated protein
C and its control by thrombin-activatable fibrinolysis inhibitor,
measured in an arterial thrombolysis model in vivo using rat mesenteric
arterioles. Thrombosis and Haemostasis 2002; 87: 110-113.
Hiroaki Ono, Yasuto Sasaki, Emi Bamba, Junji Seki, John C Giddings,
Junichiro Yamamoto: Cerebral thrombosis and microcirculation of the
rat during the oestrous cycle and after ovariectomy. Clinical and
Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology 2002; 29: 73-78.
Yoshinobu Ijiri , Mayuko Miura, Masaru Hashimoto, Chizuru
Fukunaga, Sadahiro Watanabe, Akira Kubota, Kazuhiro Oiwa, Toyoko Okuda
and Junichiro Yamamoto: A new model to evaluate the diet-induced prothrombotic
state,using He-Ne laser-induced thrombogenesis in the carotid artery
of apolipoprotein E-deficient and low-density lipoprotein receptor-deficient
mice. Blood Coagulation and Fibrinolysis 2002; 13: 497-504.
Tsutomu Yamashita, Tomomi Taka, Rie Nojima, Yoshio Ohta,
Junji Seki, Junichiro Yamamoto: There is no valid evidence presented
as to an impaired endothelial NO system in the stroke-prone spontaneously
hypertensive rats. Thrombosis Research 2002; 105: 507-511.
Masaru Hashimoto, Yuko Onobayashi, Kazuhiro Oiwa, John
C Giddings, Junichiro Yamamoto: Enhanced endogenous thrombolysis induced
by a specific factor Xa inhibitor, DX-9065a, evaluated in a rat arterial
thrombolysis model in vivo. Thrombosis Research 2002; 106:165-168.
Tomomi Taka, Hiroaki Ono, Yasuto Sasaki, Junji Seki,
Junichiro Yamamoto: Platelet reactivity in spontaneously diabetic
rats is independent from blood glucose and insulin levels. Platelets
2002; 13, 313-316.
Yasuto Sasaki, Hiroaki Ono, Junji Seki, John C Giddings,
Junichiro Yamamoto: Effects of estrogen on the microcirculation and
thrombus formation in pial vessels of the rat. In: Brain Activation
and CBF Control. Excerpta Medica International Congress Series, eds.
Tomita M, Kannno I and Hamel E, Elsevier Science Amsterdam 2002; 1(1235):
山本順一郎, 井尻吉信, 村上真由, 三浦真由子, 山下 勉, 橋本 賢, 大岩和弘, 奥田豊子:大豆イソフラボングルコシドおよびアグリコンの血栓予防効果:
apoE-/-・LDLR-/-ダブルノックアウトマウスを用いた研究. 大豆たん白質研究 2002; 23(5): 108-116.
Yasuto Sasaki, Takanori Noguchi, Etsuko Yamamoto, John
C Giddings, Katsumi Ikeda, Yukio Yamori, Junichiro Yamamoto: Effects
of GINKGO BILOBA extract (EGB761) on cerebral thrombosis and blood
pressure in stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rats. Clinical
and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology 2002; 29: 963-967.
Yasuto Sasaki, Takanori Noguchi, Etsuko Yamamoto, Katsumi
Ikeda, Yukio Yamori, Junichiro Yamamoto: effects of voluntary exercise
on cerebral thrombosis and oxidative stress in stroke-prone spontaneously
hypertensive rats. Microcirculation annual 2002; 18: 83-84.
Tomomi Taka, Yoshio Ohta, Junji Seki, John C Giddings,
Junichiro Yamamoto: Impaired flow-mediated vasodilation in vivo and
reduced shear-induced platelet reactivity in vitro in response to
nitric oxide in prothrombotic, stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive
rats. Pathophysiology of Haemostasis and Thrombosis 2002; 32: 184-189.
橋本賢: Thrombin-activatable Fibrinolysis Inhibitorによる内在性血栓溶解の調節-ラット腸間膜血栓溶解モデルを用いた研究.
神戸学院大学大学院食品薬品総合科学研究科学位論文 2002.
山田佳緒里: 野菜および果物における抗血栓活性の検索. 神戸学院大学大学院栄養学研究科修士論文 2002.


山本順一郎,佐々木康人,山下 勉,高 智美,鵤木秀夫: 抗凝固剤を加えない血液を用いる血小板反応性測定法-in vivoの血小板反応性を反映するin
vitro測定法の検討-. 日本血栓止血学会誌 2001; 12: 11-16.
Junichiro Yamamoto (Main Organiser): Abstracts of papers presented
at the Japanese-European Kobe Symposium on Thrombosis, 6-7 November
2000, Kobe Gakuin University, Kobe, Japan. Platelets 2001; 12: 172-186.
Hideo Ikarugi, Masashi Shibata, Kiyoshi Ishii, Junichiro
Yamamoto: Shear-induced platelet reactivity in middle-aged women after
low-intensity exercise. Thrombosis Research 2001; 104: 347-351.
Masaru Hashimoto, Sadahiro Watanabe, Kazuhiro Oiwa,
Yoshio Ohta, Takeo Kishi, Tadashi Okamoto, John C Giddings, Junichiro
Yamamoto: Enhanced thrombolysis induced by argatroban or activated
protein C in the presence or absence of staphylokinase, measured in
an in vivo animal model using mesenteric arterioles. Haemostasis 2001;
31: 80-89.
山本順一郎,井尻吉信,三浦真由子,橋本 賢,高 智美,大岩和弘,渡邉定博,奥田豊子,窪田 彬,福永千鶴:
大阪ガスグループ福祉財団研究・調査報告集 2001; 14: 107-114.
井尻吉信,三浦真由子,橋本 賢,高 智美,窪田 彬,渡邉定博,大岩和弘,福永千鶴,奥田豊子,山本順一郎:
大豆たん白質研究 2001; 4: 107-115.
Takanori Noguchi, Katsumi Ikeda, Yasuto Sasaki, Junichiro
Yamamoto, Junji Seki, Kazuo Yamagata, Yasuo Nara, Hiroshi Hara, Hanzo
Kakuta, Yukio Yamori: Effects of vitamin E and sesamin on hypertension
and cerebral thrombogenesis in stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive
rats. Hypertension Research 2001; 24: 735-742.
山本順一郎: 特集 血栓症に関するQ&A Part3- Q44 抗血栓作用を有する食物について教えて下さい.
血栓と循環 2001; 9: 422-424.
Yasuto Sasaki, Etsuko Yamamoto, Junji Seki, Junichiro
Yamamoto: Ginkgo Biloba extract (EGB761) inhibits thrombus formation
by He-Ne laser beam in cerebral vessels of stroke-prone spontaneously
hypertensive rats (SHRSP). Microcirculation annual 2001; 17: 67-68.
井尻吉信: 先天的動脈硬化マウス-apoE-/–LDLR-/–頚動脈とHe-Ne Laser惹起血栓形成法を用いた食事と血栓に関する研究.
神戸学院大学大学院栄養学研究科修士論文 2001.
北森一哉: ズリ惹起血漿板反応性測定装置Thrombotic Status Analyserで測定した生理的および病理的条件下における血小板反応性.
神戸学院大学大学院栄養学研究科修士論文 2001.


鵤木秀夫,山本順一郎: 急性の身体運動が血栓形成能に及ぼす影響. 日本血栓止血学会誌 2000; 11: 40-51.
Junichiro Yamamoto, Makiko Kawano, Masaru Hashimoto, Yasuto Sasaki,
Tsutomu Yamashita, Tomomi Taka, Sadahiro Watanabe, John C Giddings:
Adjuvant effect of antibodies against von Willebrand Factor, fibrinogen,
and fibronectin on staphylokinase-induced thrombolysis as measured
using mural thrombi formed in rat mesenteric venules. Thrombosis Research
1999; 97: 327-333.
Yasuto Sasaki, Takanori Noguchi, Junji Seki, John C
Giddings, Junichiro Yamamoto: Protective effects of imidapril on He-Ne
laser-induced thrombosis in cerebral blood vessels of stroke-prone
spontaneously hypertensive rats. Thrombosis and Haemostasis 2000;
83: 722-727.
高 智美,関 淳二,山本順一郎: 3系統の自然発症NIDDMモデルGK,OLETF,WBN/Kobラットにおける血小板反応性の比較.
Diabetes Frontier 1999; 10: 582-583.
Tomomi Taka, Yasuo Konishi, Jacek Slon-Usakiewicz, Viacheslav
Medvedkin, Yuko Tsuda, Yoshio Okada, Junji Seki, Junichiro Yamamoto:
Inhibitory effect of various thrombin inhibitors on shear-induced
platelet function and dynamic coagulation. European Journal of Pharmacology
2000; 406: 181-189.
Shoko Nakajima, Takanori Noguchi, Tomomi Taka, Takashi
Ueda, Kazuo Kaizu, Machiko Fukamizu, Shigekiyo Fujita, Masayasu Tabuchi,
Junichiro Yamamoto: A global platelet test of thrombosis and thrombolysis
detects a prothrombotic state in some patients with non-insulin dependent
diabetes and in some patients with stroke. Platelets 2000; 11: 459-466.
Toyohiko Ariga, Kentaro Tsuji, Taiichiro Seki, Tadaaki
Moritomo, Junichiro Yamamoto: Antithrombotic and antineoplastic effects
of phyto-organosulfur compounds. Bio Factors 2000; 13: 251-255.
Hiroaki Ono, Yasuto Sasaki, Junji Seki, Junichiro Yamamoto:
Effects of sex hormones on microcirculation and thrombotic tendency
in pial vessels of the rat. Microcirculation annual 2000; 16: 101-102.
Junji Seki, Yasuto Sasaki, Tomomi Oyama, Junichiro Yamamoto:
Maximal flow pulsation in the pial arterioles of rats at increased
intracranial pressure. Frontiers Medicine and Biological Engineering
2000; 10: 59-66.
Tsutomu Yamashita, Kazuya Kitamori, Masaru Hahsimoto,
Sadahiro Watanabe, John C Giddings, Junichiro Yamamoto: Conjunctive
effects of the 5HT2 receptor antagonist, sarpogrelate, on thrombolysis
with mt-PA in different laser-induced thrombosis models. Haemostasis
2000; 30: 321-332.
Hideo Ikarugi, Masashi Shibata, Junichiro Yamamoto:
Shear-induced platelet reactivity after low-intensity exercise in
obese women. Advances in Exercise and Sports Physiology 2000; 6: 184
小野裕明: ラット脳軟膜微小血管の血栓形成傾向及び微小循環に対する性ホルモンの研究. 神戸学院大学大学院栄養学研究科修士論文 2000.


Hideo Ikarugi, Tomomi Taka, Shoko Nakajima, Takanori Noguchi, Sadahiro
Watanabe, Yasuto Sasaki, Shukoh Haga, Takashi Ueda, Junji Seki, Junichiro
Yamamoto: Norepinephrine, but not epinephrine, enhances platelet reactivity
and coagulation after exercise in humans. Journal of Applied Physiology
1999; 86: 133-138.
Yoko Nagamatsu, Yukio Tsujioka, Masaru Hashimoto, John C Giddings,
Junichiro Yamamoto: The differential effects of aspirin on platelets,
leucocytes and vascular endothelium in an in vivo model of thrombus
formation. Clinical and Laboratory Haematology 1999; 21: 33-40.
Junji Seki, Yasuto Sasaki, Tomomi Oyama, Junichiro Yamamoto:
Effects of intracranial pressure on the pial microcirculation in rats
studies by a fiber-optic laser-Doppler anemometer microscope. Frontiers
Medicine and Biological Engineering 1999; 9: 113-121.
Junichiro Yamamoto, Tomomi Taka, Shoko Nakajima, Miwa
Ueda, Emiko Sugimoto, Yasuto Sasaki, Toshiaki Muraki, Junji Seki,
Sadahiro Watanabe: A shear-induced in vitro platelet function test
can assess clinically relevant anti-thrombotic effects. Platelets
1999; 10: 178-184.
Takanori Noguchi, Yasuto Sasaki, Junji Seki, John C
Giddings, Junichiro Yamamoto: Effects of voluntary exercise and L-arginine
on thrombogenesis and microcirculation in stroke-prone spontaneously
hypertensive rats. Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology
1999; 26: 330-335.
Tomomi Taka, Emi Okano, Junji Seki, Junichiro Yamamoto:
Effects of clopidogrel on platelet activation and coagulation of non-anticoagulated
rat blood under high shear stress. Haemostasis 1999; 29: 189-196.
高 智美,山下 勉,関 淳二,山本順一郎: 自然発症糖尿病GKラットの易血栓性. Diabetes Frontier
1999; 10: 600.
Takanori Noguchi, Katsumi Ikeda, Yasuto Sasaki, Junichiro
Yamamoto, Junji Seki, Yukiko Yamori: Changes of mean red cell blood
cell velocity and vessel diameter by cerebral ischemia and reperfusion
in male stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rats. Microcirculation
annual 1999; 15: 105-106.
Hiroaki Ono, Yasuto Sasaki, Junichiro Yamamoto: Estrogen
alters microcirculation and thrombotic tendency in pial vessels of
the rat. Microcirculation annual 1999; 15: 107-108.
鵤木秀夫,山本順一郎: 急性の身体運動が血栓形成に及ぼす影響. 神戸商科大学「人文論集」1999; 34:
Takanori Noguchi, Katsumi Ikeda, Yasuto Sasaki, Junichiro
Yamamoto, Junji Seki, Yukio Yamori: Changes of mean red blood cell
velocity and vessel diameter by cerebral ischemia and reperfusion
in stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rats. Clinical Experimental
Hypertension 1999; 21: 482.
橋本賢: 血栓溶解における凝固系の役割―ラット細動脈血栓溶解モデルを用いた研究―. 神戸学院大学大学院栄養学研究科修士論文 1999.


Noguchi T, Sasaki Y, Seki J & Yamamoto J: Thrombotic tendency
of pial vessels in SHRSP/Izm, studies with He-Ne laser-induced thrombus
formation technique. Japanese Heart Journal 1998; 38: 558.
Yamashita T, Tsuda Y, Konishi Y, Okada Y, Matsuoka A, Giddings JC
& Yamamoto J: The antithrombotic effect of potent bifunctional
thrombin inhibitors based on hirudin sequence, P551 and P532, on He-Ne
laser-induced thrombosis in rat mesenteric microvessels. Thrombosis
Research 1998; 90: 199-206.
Muraki T, Taka T, Noguchi T, Ishii H, Seki J & Yamamoto
J: Effects of cyclosporine and FK506 on in vitro high shear-induced
platelet reactivity in rat and human non-anticoagulated blood. Transplantation
1998; 65: 1132-1134.
Noguchi T Sasaki Y, Seki J & Yamamoto J: Effects
of chronic ingestion of L-arginine and voluntary exercise on thrombotic
tendency and hemodynamics in pial vessels of stroke-prone spontaneously
hypertensive rats. Japanese Heart Journal 1998; 59: 545.
山本順一郎,高 智美,山下 勉,佐々木康人: トピックス: Non-anticoagulated bloodを用いるずり惹起血栓形成法haemostatometryについて. 日本血栓止血学会誌1998;
9: 378-381.
Noguchi T, Sasaki Y, Seki J & Yamamoto J: Effect
of chronic ingestion of L-arginine and voluntary exercise on the hypertension,
thrombotic tendency and microcirculation of stroke-prone spontaneously
hypertensive rats. Microcirculation annual 1998; 14: 79-80.
Sasaki Y, Noguchi T, Ohkuma Y, Giddings JC & Yamamoto
J: Antithrombotic effect of a novel NO-donor, NOR-3, on cerebral vessels
of the rat. The Biology of Nitric Oxide 6: 296.
中嶋祥子: ズリ惹起血小板血栓形成装置Thrombotic Status Analyserで測定した健常者および患者の血栓形成傾向.
神戸学院大学大学院栄養学研究科修士論文 1998.
野口孝則: 脳卒中易発症高血圧自然発症ラット(SHRSP)脳軟膜微小血管における血小板血栓形成と微小循環の研究. (英文)神戸学院大学大学院栄養学研究科修士論文


Yamashita T, Tuji T, Matsuoka A, Giddings JC & Yamamoto J: The
antithrombotic effect of synthetic low molecular weight human factor
Xa inhibitor, DX-9065a, on He-Ne laser-induced thrombosis in rat mesenteric
microvessels. Thrombosis Research 1997; 85: 45-51.
Ikarugi H, Taka T, Nakajima S, Kato N, Ueda T, Matsumura K, Haga
S & Yamamoto J: Detection of a prothrombotic state after acute
aerobic exercise. Thrombosis Research 1997; 85: 351-356.
Kawano M, Watanabe S, Sasaki Y, Giddings JC & Yamamoto
J: Adjuvant effect of argatroban on staphylokinase induced thrombolysis
of platelet rich thrombi in rat mesenteric venules in vivo. Thrombosis
Research 1997; 86: 112-126.
Evans SM, Giddings JC, Muraki T & Yamamoto J: Expression
of von Willebrand factor, P-selectin (CD62P) and thrombomodulin in
human endothelial cells in culture modulated by cyclosporin A. Clinical
and Laboratory Haematology 1997; 19: 115-122.
Noguchi T, Sasaki Y, Seki J & Yamamoto J: The microcirculation
and thrombotic tendency in cerebral blood vessels of normal hypertensive
and stroke-prone hypertensive rats. Microcirculation annual 1997;
13: 125-126.
梶本五郎,山口真季,草野毅徳,合田 清,山本順一郎,林 佑吉: 油脂の酸化に対する大麦水抽出物の抗酸化効果.
日本食品科学工学会誌 1997; 44: 788-794.
Yamamoto J, Oyama T, Ishii I, Okita N, Sasaki Y, Yamashita
T, Matsuoka A, Muraki T, Giddings JC, Watanabe S & Seki J: The
differential involvement of von Willebrand Factor, fibrinogen and
fibronectin in acute experimental thrombosis in rat cerebral and mesenteric
microvessels. Japanese Journal of Physiology 1997; 47: 431-441.
Noguchi T, Sasaki Y, Seki J, Giddings JC & Yamamoto
J: Enhanced thrombogenicity and altered hemodynamics in the cerebral
microvasculature of stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rats.
Haemostasis 1997; 27: 237-245.
山下 勉: 血小板血栓形成におけるトロンビンおよびトロンビン生成酵素の関与. 神戸学院大学大学院食品薬品総合科学研究科学位論文
辻岡幸雄: ラット腸間膜微小血管における血小板血栓形成メカニズムの研究―He-Neレーザー血栓形成法によるアスピリンジレンマの研究―.
神戸学院大学大学院栄養学研究科修士論文 1997.


Mu Y, Yamamoto J, Yamashita T & Okada Y: Synthesis of γ-2-Adamantylglutamate
and its application to the peptide synthesis. Peptide chemistry pp9-12,
1995 (ed. N. Nishi) Protein Research Foundation, Osaka.
Nagamatsu Y, Yamamoto J, Fukuda A, Tsuda Y & Okada Y: Quantification
of leucocyte elastase and cathepsin G in plasma by a simple method:
Effect of elastase in plasma levels of D-dimer and thrombomodulin.
Clinical and Laboratory Haematology 1996; 18: 29-34.
Oyama T, Sasaki Y, Okita N, Giddings JC, Seki J &
Yamamoto J: Cerebral prothrombotic state in spontaneously hypertensive
rats of different breeds. Haemostasis 1996; 26: 79-84.
Sasaki Y, Seki J, Giddings JC & Yamamoto J: Effect
of NO-donors on thrombus formation and microcirculation in cerebral
vessels of the rat. Thrombosis and Haemostasis 1996; 76: 111-117.
Sasaki Y, Ishii I, Giddings JC & Yamamoto J: Protective
effects of ticlopidine and aspirin, administered alone and in combination,
on thrombus formation in rat cerebral vessels. Haemostasis 1996; 26:
Sasaki Y, Taka T, Yamamoto J & Seki J: Nitric oxide
affects microcirculation and thrombus formation in rat pial vessels.
Microcirculation annual 1996; 12: 113-114.
Seki J, Sasaki Y, Oyama T & Yamamoto J: Fiber-optic
laser-doppler anemometer microscope applied to the cerebral microcirculation
in rats. Biorheology 33: 461-468.
高 智美,沖田奈穂子,佐々木康人,山本順一郎 : インスリン非依存性糖尿病ラットOLETFの血栓形成傾向.
OLETFラット研究会記録 1996; 2: 75-79.
河野真紀子: ラットの腸間膜微小循環における血小板血栓形成についてーヘリウムネオンレーザー惹起血栓形成法を用いた研究ー. 神戸学院大学大学院栄養学研究科修士論文

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